Covert Belt Knife


Covert Belt Knife


Original price was: ₹4,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00.

Availability:Out of stock

SKU: BELTKNS Categories: , Tag:

Carrying a concealed knife can be great for self-defense if you suddenly find yourself in a less than ideal situation. Imagine the confidence and upper hand you would have if nobody but you knew you were armed with a sharp, steel blade covert belt knife in your belt buckle.

Hidden Belt Knife highlights:


  • Adjustable belt – extends to 48″
  • Half-serrated 3.5″ stainless steel blade
  • Easily concealed – easy to pull out
  • Pakkawood handle
  • Full-Tang construction

Note: It is your responsibility to obey the laws in your area regarding concealed knives. Please use common sense when wearing this weapon. Don’t wear belt knives to places with high security like the airport, court, police stations, or military installations. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself behind bars faster than you can say “It’s not mine…”
